Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Cancer Detection and Screening - Various Forms of Cancers and How You Can Protect Yourself

The strategic relationship will focus on biomarkers to detect cancers before patients evolve symptoms concentrating on cancers which currently have moderate screening tests available such as cell lung cancer.
We are immersed to be able to work with Cancer Research in this new global business. The early diagnosis of cancer has never been more important and with the mass expertise that this alliance can bring we aim to make a real distinction in the field of early cancer detection and screening.

The connection is particularly interested in seeking markers that may be learned in exudates for example, proteins, regulators of gene expression, cell-derived vesicles, antibodies targeting an individual’s own proteins and DNA methylation. Both inherited and acquired risk factors will also be calibrated.
We can do a lot to defend our family from cancer. The major thing is we have to detect it early. We need to be aware of it and what we can do about it. This article, will look into these very important aspect
This disease starts in the damaged cells of our body. The damaged cells grow and divide abnormally, thus forming lumps or tumors, which spread to other areas of the body. Tumors can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). The malignant ones are dangerous and will spread to other areas of the body.

What Are The Factors That May Cause It?
1) Having habits that are unhealthy - These would include smoking, drinking a lot of alcohol, or too much sun exposure
2) Family History - 5% to 10% of this disease are family inherited
3) Health - Some people who have some chronic diseases may increase the risk
4) Our Surroundings - Our homes or work place may contain harmful chemicals, or smoke, and even asbestos
This disease is the result of getting too much sun exposure. These damaged cells are slow in forming and can be treated early. Melanoma is the most serious form of this disease. The best thing to do is to examine your skin yourself, once a month and look for any problem signs.

Possible Warning Signs:
1) Moles or Birthmarks - If you see any change in size or color of these
2) Any Growths - Be on the lookout for any new growths, such as pale or waxy bumps, firm red bumps, or bumps with a scaly surface
3) Skin that oozes or bleeds
4) Look for any dark coloring that spreads past the edge of a mark or a mole, like an irregular border or shape
5) Look for skin that becomes itchy, tender or painful

How You Can Protect Yourself:
1) Don't stay out in the sun between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm
2) Cover up with a hat and clothing
3) Use a sunscreen with a SPF of 15 or more
4) Wear sunglasses with UV ray protection
5) Be aware of the harmful rays if you are fair skinned
6) Avoid using tanning beds

You can develop it if you are advanced in age. Also, you can get tested by having a mammogram. Your chance of surviving it is greatly increased with early detection and treatment. Women that are between the ages of 50 and 69 should have a mammogram every two years. If you are over 40, have a breast examination at least every two years.

What to Look Out For:
1) Lumps in your breast
2) Any discharges from your nipples
3) A nipple that turns inward
4) Any breast that has swelling

For more information regarding our services, please visit us at:http://www.genedecode.in/


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